Friday, August 27, 2010

Which Grand Company?

I've suddenly realized that I have yet declare a designation for my Grand Company... So that glory on the battlefield is claimed properly, I shall share our heritage with you.

It is not by any random whim or foolish claims of who we are... By the annals of the Black Library, we have a true heritage...

I am the Warsmith Batu of the 996th Grand Company. When shells begin to rain down on your capitol before the thundering Iron knocks on your gates... When paths of destruction are carved through your city as the warmachines roll down your streets... When men of Iron pour from the breaches below your fortified walls.... By then, there will be no quarter given. Your only chance is to surrender before I begin. For once I unleash my Iron Warriors, there can only be devastation.

Current Assembled Army

Now you can see my entire siege army... This does not include my latest aquisition in MK3 armours nor the IW bitz I have setting on the side. My latest project is to polish up my IW codex for normal play. Now that I have finished following and reading "The Chapter's Due", I am ready to put ideals to ink.
When I saw the Breaching Drill, I knew it was something IW would adopt immediately. I cannot wait to get it done. I hope I get a better camera for future photos.
Let's take a quick inventory Starting from the top...
3 Hydra
6 Basilisk
1 Shadowsword
3 Hades Breaching Drill
18 Terminators, metal
10 Terminators, plastic
1 Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour
1 Chaos Sorcerer in Terminator Armour
1 Chaos Champion in Terminaor Armour
1 Warsmith
9 Obliterators
3 Land Raider
3 Vindicators.
12 Heavy Bolter
4 Missile Launchers
4 Autocannons
4 Lascannons
8 Plasma Gun
2 Meltagun
4 Flamers
55 CSM
8 Khorne Berzerker

Chosen of Chosens have arrived

My reinforcements of 20 MK3 Marines are finally here. Sadly, one group of 5 arrived without helmets. I did, however, get an extra set of left arms. The worst part about order these is the cleaning up of the releasing agent.
I think I will wait until all the components are here. Then I can clean everything in one session. Combined with my other group, I now have about 40 Iron Warriors who needs to be assembled. I may have much more than I need... This may not be good after I figured out how I am going to store all these extra men.
The best part about these new armour is how plain they look. The bad part is that I am not too good at forming shapes and icons on bare armour.

Chosen among Iron Warriors

These are my prized warriors. All oop MK2 lead by a Champion in oop MK3 armours. I had also gotten these when Mail Order Bitz were still availabe. Wished I had gotten more when I had the opportunity. The only weakness of this squad is the Champion. Sadly, he came with both Chainsword and plasma pistol standard.
The good news is that I went ahead and ordered some MK3 Armours from FW. Cannot wait for them to get here.

Veteran Squads

These guys are probably my favorite. They are a combination of Iron Warrior bitz and Iron Hands arms and legs. No helms are the same in 2 squads. I am extremely pleased with the Champion. Both of his arms are magnetized for switching out arms for every kind of options available from the book.
I wish it were possible to get those Iron Hands bitz. Luckily, I had gotten them when Mail Order Bitz were still available.

Iron Warriors (metal generic CSMs)

In many ways, I do like the old metal CSMs. In many ways, I really do not like them. Primarily, it is because I do not believe they feel like Iron Warriors. In my Grand Company, I have designated them to be Marines who have swore fealty to Perturabo instead of being born as an Iron Warrior.
I love the new MK2 and MK3 armours from Forgeworld. If only there was an easy way to press some IW iconographies on those blank slates, I would be so happy.

Khorne Iron Warriors

These guys are my Iron Berzerkers. I mixed the Berzerker kit with some IW bitz and shoulder pads. No more than one torso or legs for the marine from the Khorne set. Overall, I am indifferent about Khorne worshipper in my Grand Company. All in all, I would say pray to what ever you want... but be ready to bleed and die when I call for it.
I also preserved the favored number of 8. I do like how to the bitz came together. My only dilemma is how to properly paint them. I was thinking mainly IW motif and paint those Khorne iconography red. This should allow this squad to blend their colors into the rest of the army